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Old 02-06-2021, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Matty
That's pretty much the underlining concept of what I was talking about as well.
Since we are going into more technical aspects of it and the conscious/unconscious duality. Back in early day's of psychology branching into it's new chapter of scientific approach. With Freud and Jung, Freud started to understand that there is more going on than the scientific field realized but wasn't really able to comprehend it clearly. Then Jung continued the research with a more open spiritual approach but yet in a scientific way.
(Enough backdrop)
personally I think it's important to understand that there's a symbiotic relationship between psychology and Spirituality - Spirituality is the What? and psychology is the How? Jung was very much into his Advaita Vedanta and modelled the ego on Ahamkara.

Originally Posted by Matty
The area of the conscious/unconscious that deals with what this subject touchs on. Jung coined the term Introverted Intuition. Within Introverted Intuition/Ni he realized that people that led with Ni or there mental/psychic energy was directed towards Ni. Would be kinda backwards so to say, that Ni driven people was more unconsciously awake than awake than the traditional conscious way. That they would produce images and symbol's and speake of things in ways that was deeply drenched metaphorically, and in way's that psychology was mistaking for psychosis...even Jung himself was mistaking for psychosis.
I'd never heard of Ni before so it's good to have some new territory to explore. Initially though, it sounds like Ni is a close parallel to what the ancient Egyptians and others later called Gnosis. Basically it means 'knowing without how you know' and it seems to arise from nowhere, but the perception is that it was always 'there'. Apparently some studies have said that there's a 90-120ms gap between the unconscious and the conscious becoming aware of it, and it's in this gap that the feeling of it always being there comes.

I remember many years ago I had to sit and write down all kinds of information that didn't make the least bit of sense to me at the time, otherwise I'd have serious headaches and worse. Then one day it all just stopped but not until I'd written pages of it. I did some research and found close links to some of the information but it wasn't until many years later that it made any real sense at all.

Originally Posted by Matty
When you mentioned that the conscious/unconscious (un/conscious) being awake and vise versa. From what I have observed is that neither one is awake or asleep at least in the traditional sense of awake/sleep. I prefer to say one is more active than the other at times and each one including the other two less talked about within the same circle of un/conscious...little more backdrop- Jung believed that there was at least 4 areas in this complexity the Psyche, Conscious, Subconscious, and Unconscious...
To me un/conscious (including the other two) is always active. In the background , depending on the person, they are always aware or active. For me life in the conscious sense is like a dream, I am constantly deciphering the reality around me. At times it's as if I am living a waking dream as apposed to dream walking...dream walking is another topic all together but yet is the duality within this topic.
By this I also realized that just like a dream where the unconscious is more dominant active role that uses imagery that our conscious self has gathered and stored within one of the areas of our mind and creates dreams that helps us to stay balanced and healthy mentally and spirituality as well as physically.
(Whoops, I am starting to bombard to way to much in detail n such I already visualizing at least four more pages before getting back on track)
The different conscious aspects of ourselves seem to be 'always on' but one or the other will come to the fore depending, and while we sleep the conscious mind still has a degree of awareness although closer to dormant. It would make sense if it had a degree of awareness otherwise dreams couldn't come from the unconscious and lucid dreaming couldn't happen.

Life IS like a dream though, because the ego is basically the 'end result' of the unconscious processing and when those unconscious processes are changed so it changes our "Sense of I am." The conscious also 'filters' and acts as a kind of gateway, ignoring what it sees as superfluous information/data so that we can get on with living our Lives. Walking, talking and breathing are taken care of by the unconscious and we don't have to worry about them at all. What we are not conscious of is how things like our cognitive dissonance and cognitive behaviour affects our conscious on an on-going basis, so it's very obvious that although we are not conscious of it our unconscious is still working away and affecting our consciousness.

A Spanish psychologist recently described the decision-making process as a 'committee', the members of which depended on the nature of what was being decided. I seem to remember it was 22 members, which were aspects of the unconscious.

There's a very common archetype of the unconscious that has reared its head in these forums, and most people confuse it with mediumship or demons. The archetype is that of dark figures with either red or white eyes and they appear in the 'waking' conscious. The red eyes denote a serious mental health condition while the white eyes denote a mental health condition that the person is 'recovering' from. Demons are also part of the imagery that the unconscious 'sends' to the conscious even in an 'awake' state.

Originally Posted by Matty
What I mentioned in my previous post I call Dream imagery projection, instead of having the typical dream when one sleeps within the minds eye. This is a reversal where you see with your minds eye while awake typically done so with just a image like a still picture. There are some who are able take this a step further and create more of a moving picture and to the point of a full on dream, as if you're projecting like a projector in a theater playing a movie.

This doesn't nor isn't meant to discredit the spiritual side of this...more of a bridge between the mind and soul.
Dream imagery is happening all the time but our conscious 'filters' it and decides what is important or not. This is why perceptions, thoughts etc in the awake state is more important than anything in a dreams state - they're just dreams'.

The Spiritual side of this has been processed by the framework of what's flying around inside your noggin, and if you have unprocessed traumas in your Shadow Self for instance then that will 'colour' your Spirituality - it could well be the reason you are Spiritual. There are symbiotic relationships with your external and internal realities goi9ng on all the time, as well as a web of symbiotic relationships with your internal aspects. Every scrap of information you read in this forum is being processed by your unconscious and what you are conscious of is the end result of that process.

If we're really going to understand the Spiritual side of this then doesn't it make sense to understand what is not Spiritual? Or are we going to ignore the 'non-Spiritual' that defines and labels what we want to think of as Spiritual?
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