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Old 14-06-2021, 01:37 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by CosmicWonder
How do I let go of my desires?

I disagree with the idea we need to name our desires unwholesome and wholesome. Who would tell us which are which and why should we listen to others? All of the answers are within us. The only desires that are bad are ones that harm yourself or others. If your desires don't harm yourself or others, follow them. They bring us pleasure and joy!

If fact, desire for pleasure is what brings us to discover our true nature and the divine. Life after life we refine the way we seek pleasure and refine the things we find pleasure in. So desire and pleasure are good things. They get a bad name because some may seek pleasure in ways that harm others or themselves. And it's true one should be careful and be aware if one is harming oneself or another through some desires. If we are, we should give up these desires.

The best way to give up a bad habit or desire or pleasure, one that is harming oneself or others, is to notice when such things are present, then direct your attention onto something else.
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