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Old 24-06-2021, 05:07 PM
Matty Matty is offline
Join Date: May 2021
Posts: 196
Originally Posted by Legrand
Fear of not being good enough to receive Divine grace is the greatest blockage that we have as human beings.
In a big picture way this is Fears biggest and only intent.

For some like myself, it is more direct to the point with other forms. As you mentioned.

There's also the other side of Fear of deserving Divine Grace The Fear of being worthy enough or good enough to not just receive Divine grace but to be a becon of to say
Which in a way this is a double sided coin.

We all have our own Desert to cross, this doesn't mean we have to nor should do it alone. The Divine will Guide us even if it's through the grace of others.

(Just like how the word Divine itself will be a blockage for some)
Personally I don't care what someone calls it, languages and civilization's is and will be different. Just as in how we come to understand will be different Of course Fear the Shape shifter it is will also follow and confuse as well.
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