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Old 24-04-2021, 03:58 PM
GlitterRose GlitterRose is offline
Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 375
Originally Posted by NoOne
I'm sorry, but that doesn't really add up. If you were channelling God (Yahweh, presumably?), why would Satanael or any of the other fallen angels show up? There must have been some other circumstance that perhaps you did not pay attention to, that caused this to happen. I'm not an expert, but usually there is some other reason behind people being oppressed by spirits. Is it possible, you invited them in, in some manner, did you use some implement, such as a Ouijja board, did you perhaps call upon the fallen ones in some way or express interest in them somehow?

Hope you understand, that I am simply trying to get a better picture of what happened. In cases I've come across over the years, there is almost always some willing participation, a submission or opening up to outside forces by the oppressed or possessed person. At other times, the gateway is opened through drugs or psychedelics. It would help if we new how exactly the forces of the underworld got access to you, what their entry point was.

Also, since a priest was consulted and performed an exorcism on you, did you discuss this with them and what was their opinion on how you got into trouble in the first place?

It actually makes a lot of sense within the paradigm.

LBRP should work to rid of it.
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