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Old 03-03-2021, 12:59 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 6,417
No matter what extraordinary things people want to think, the primary purpose of this place is not wish fulfillment.

it isn't really true you can have absolutely anything you want, as some things will be actively opposed by powers outside yourself if you decide to want them. Which isn't to say you cannot overcome that and get such things anyway... if you really want them... but you have a time limit and the more you spend on one thing the less you can spend on another. So practically speaking you can't get to a point of gathering up everything you might want, all at once. Effectively, some things will be denied you because of the way this place is made.

personally i'm happy to be listening to god rather than trying to get what I want... even though there is an awful lot I might otherwise want...

about you - in one life you were wishing you could go back to your hipster years but you were too responsible to your family to be able to ever actually do it... in this life you have hardly any responsibilities and get to stay a child but you are wishing you were an adult with responsibilities.

you may just be getting what you asked for, earlier... but you apparently don't want it any more...

Not that I blame you though. This place is rough.
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