Thread: Tanzanite
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Old 20-08-2020, 01:31 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
No red welts but you got to use the right medical tape for sensitive skin. Regular medical tape, which is tan coloured, irritates my skin, even with a normal bandaid. My kids had the same thing but there's sensitive skin variety for that :)
I shower with it, sleep with it, leave it on for days. Then it tends to get a bit itchy, not necessarily the glue, but also because it can get a wee bit sweaty depending on the weather. After 4-5 days the glue can get irritating, then I remove it for half a day, a day, or tape it with new tape a little higher or lower.
I got a neck injury and it has helped me loads. I've been doing this for several years already :) It has saved me many an ibuprofen or paracetamol! Shungite is great to use on spots with pain and using this tape makes that possible.
...Ah well.... I can understand the sensitive skin bit... I am very very Very sensitive to a lot of things.... I cannot , for instance wear a plaster after a blood test , as it leaves me rashed up and bruised... My youngest son same.. you are the first person I have ever known that tapes crystals onto their skin..... And you talk about neck problems ,something else I can also resonate with deeply. And crystals really DO work in healing....I don't care what anyone says..... I went through many years of severe dental problems .... The pain was unbearable...until I started sleeping with flourite under my pillow each night..... And it really was like a miracle......
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