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Old 09-01-2021, 03:39 PM
no1wakesup no1wakesup is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 298
Originally Posted by Uday_Advaita
Doing and Happening

Eckhart Tolle has famously said in his book – The Power of Now:

1. “Doing and Happening are NOT different.”

More than 2500 years ago, the Master Gautam Buddha said it differently:

2. “Events happen, deeds get done, there is no individual doer thereof.”

It takes a while for the profoundness of the above teachings to sink in. I have been struck with the simplicity and depth of these teachings and if I were to put forth my takeaways / experiential understanding, it would be:

a) Every Doing is a happening because if an Event is to happen, the necessary effort will also happen.
b) Conversely every Happening may not be a doing by someone as Events do happen naturally
c) Events happen, regardless of whatever efforts you may take to prevent them from happening.
d) Events do not happen, regardless of whatever efforts you may take to make them happen.
e) All actions / non-actions, doings or no-doings, that originate from humans do not need to pass the test of Good or Bad, Right or Wrong, as these are part of (but not separate from) the totality of functioning of this phenomenal World.
f) Feeling Guilty, Blaming yourself or the “Other”, Judging the ‘Other” as right or wrong for something done or not done either by you or by the Other – would only lead to strife and disharmony.
g) You will never ever get answer to the question – “Why” something happened or did not happen. The simplest answer is “Why not”, - in other words – acceptance of “what is” at this moment will remove all your doubts
h) Total conviction of the above teaching would lead to lasting peace and harmony.

As I usually say at the end of my post – Easier said than done.


Doing is all physical effort.
Happening is the conceptual interpretation.
Both come together as experience.
An experience assumed and recorded by someone there as identity in time and space. This produces an anchored conditioning unable to see that both are no different.

No effort can be there without observing it as "happening". And no happening can be there without the "effort" necessary to fill in the pages of the story.
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