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Old 21-05-2020, 09:12 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
The bliss we get to is not a mere dopamine or serotonin trigger. It’s is a transcendental attribute in permanence, unaffected by the external.

Of course this is not to say that self existent bliss ( renewing in new hues continuously ) is all there may be to it. As is said, though complete in itself, bliss is but one of the limbs of Shiva, others being power, will, awareness and creativity, in fullness and completeness.


If Existence, Consciousness, Bliss were enough would we be here posting in this forum?

Maybe I'm all wet but I had an insight some time back when I was more actively practicing loving-kindness and compassion meditations.

One always starts the practice directed at one's self then moves outwards to a loved one, a friend, a respected one, an acquaintance, a difficult one, everyone, all existence.

Extend not only love but also compassion to God. Inherent in that is association. Companionship. Friendship.

And from a perspective of non-duality the last extension (to all existence) completes the circle back to the first (one's Self). The One experiencing Itself the only way It can - through the many.
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