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Old 02-10-2012, 01:02 AM
Posts: n/a
(1.) If a fairly dense (red) energy were intermittently pumped into the aura, wouldn't it slow down the movement of the aura by itself, assuming the aura was a lighter/faster energy than red? Although I would think there would be some blending, even a layer of denser energy closer to the body as it "mixed".

It depends on the strength and speed of the aura, moreso than the makeup and density of energy. An auras speed and the amount of energy and force behind its rotation could well outweigh heaps of different heavier energies being pumped into it, or not....depends on the internal energy systems adaptions.

Anyway, usually faster/higher energy powers straight through denser heavier one's and negates them or simply converts them if its above a certain frequency, as opposed to energy that is still fast/high in nature but is below that specific frequency (and ends up being converted itself or smothered in the denser energy.)

The only reason why the aura would slow would be if the influx of denser energies couldn't be filtered or blended to a 'safe' degree and happened to breach the skin (because usually the rotation of the aura depends on the flow of energy inside an individual, which if disrupted easily throws the aura out of whack.)

I understand your discussion of bringing down the "clean" energy through the crown to circulate out the dense energy. The problem for me is that if these huge influxes of energy just happened, they've damaged, physically and energetically, around the pituitary/pineal and the brain, so bringing in more energy tends to re-damage those areas. I can do it after I'm sort of rebalanced, but it's like I never catch up.

I have tried bringing down many different energies, and white or even yellow energies over-stimulate everything in the brain again. At night, I can't sleep and some painful symptoms come back. I just wish I could come to my own understanding of the "real" energetic/spiritual cause of these blasts, because no matter what I do, I'm always just dealing with the after-effects.

Seems like a grounding issue to me. I find that if 'clean' energies aren't passed straight through a person if they are allowed in as they are then they can sort of 'rebound' through the core energies and break things, then if it keeps happening while the energy body is trying to repair itself then the damaged areas tend to be more delicate and fragile and break all over again.

Then again, if the aura isn't operating properly and the grounding reflex isn't switching on and energy is being brought in through the crown to clear it out, but the grounding reflex isn't controlling the flow....then that could make the same affect constant and happen in cycles.

Not saying this is your situation, just theorizing and drawing from things I've noticed in others.

(2.) What you said about white energy around the third eye made sense too. I do think there is a kind of preparation for receiving that happens.


Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I've wondered why I never experience (see or hear) anything negative at all. I've never felt a cold sensation, never seen a shadow person, never seen a full apparition. It's only been orbs, and I don't see them as negative. The worst was a few nosy astrals, maybe some poking around that wasn't totally "authorized".

I feel like I am in a cocoon somehow. I'm sure there is a reason for it--probably one that I planned/initiated myself. I just sometimes feel a whole lot of negative is being filtered out.

That's all.

Sometimes people are just lucky (or unlucky depending on how you look at it.) Some spirit guides double as guardians or protectors too. Others are just not aware of negativity or the more unusual experiences in general (maybe they have a mental filter) and some just go into denial and refuse to accept that said things even exist, which tends to put off anything that wants to see entertaining reactions from whoever they are trying to torment. (As I once heard from a spirit - its better to play dumb and ignorant, that way your not worth the effort and ironically neither are the bad guys.)

Sure has been crazy up in here the last few days. I can't say I understand most of what it's about. Not sure I want to. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

Yeh, got to admit it is interesting though...makes you think when you probably don't want to. Lol.

I'm confused by the arguments that used to be here (talk about Big Brother). On the one hand, most of us are too stupid to understand what's going on, what you know, what you're offering. On the other hand, we all have nefarious motives for getting you to provide the information and will harm you, imprison you for it.

Which is it? Are we too stupid or incredibly smart and evil?

Who says you can't be all at once? Maybe one leads to the next?

Or maybe stupid or smart or evil doesn't even exist outside everyone's brains?

Speaking of brains, mine hurts just thinking about it...

Hey, you don't have to answer that. Just giving you a little **** to even out the kissing up I've apparently been doing!

I think the kissing up apparently still outweighs the ****, try harder. Haha.
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