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Old 04-01-2021, 07:22 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by AbodhiSky
yes star children are said to be old souls, never feel like they fit in or belong on earth, don't do well with the lower earth energies, probably do withdraw a bit as they like things calmer and more peaceful than earth is
You see I don't really understand all these "terms".... Star children/ star seeds/ indigo etc etc.... It's all too confusing for me to understand.... I know I'm a sensitive... I know that FULL well , because of how I've had to live my life !!! I empathize and experience , on a daily basis, everything you describe.... I'm not sure what it means for me!.... I'm just "me"... Even without a label ,I would still be "me".... Even if curious strangers gazed at me in wonder saying "" what is IT ? ""..... Lol.... We are what we are.
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