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Old 04-05-2013, 05:07 PM
Blue Tiger Blue Tiger is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 522
Different people have different methods of achieving AP, and yes some are able to AP pretty much any time they wish without a complex 'warm-up.'

I've not heard of Dr Monroe or Focus 21 or the astral bridge. But that doesn't mean I don't AP, it merely means that I'm not following that particular set of instructions. As Lynn put it, I sort of float out and float back in.

Try not to get hung up on the details. If you are expecting a particular set of images or experiences (ie seeing your astral body leaving the physical body) and convince yourself that you MUST see/feel/experience exactly what you've been told, you may well get so hung up on the perceived method that you won't be mentally relaxed enough to AP.
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