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Old 20-05-2021, 06:17 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
iamthat, I don't recall us talking about this before. :)
It's fun that the Old Testament refers to It, ---the rushing waters, etc.
We know that Kabir speaks of the unstruck strings....yup, many references to the Nam, Naam, Celestial Harmonies, Divine Music, Primordial vibration, the Tao.
Fun when you hear Krishna's flute, crickets, thunder, babbling brooks and whole orchestras, individual instruments, repeating melodies you can then transfer to an instrument later...
Quite wonderful! And It ''takes' you.
Fun subject... yes, more to the right. Not so faint for me.
Ha, next yr would be 50 yrs since I became aware of It.
Easier for us 'Right Brainers", too.

Yes, it is fun, Miss H. And it has been over 40 years for me.

But I am a "Left Brainer", which is probably why my first year of meditation on the Nada/Shabd/Sound Current was so difficult. Once I stopped trying to understand it I then began to appreciate it. Perhaps I am just a slow learner!

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