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Old 19-02-2024, 10:22 AM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Location: U.S. Southwest
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Sharing my perspective: The flow of energy is characterized by tides, just like water in the ocean has high tides and low tides, so does the flow of divine energy. These tides come in cycles, which we see played out in world events. The concept of karma not only effects individuals, there is also group karma and karma related to geographic areas, towns, cities, or nations.

While we are eternal, with no beginning or end, tides do come in cycles, epochs, ages, eons, or eras, do come and go, which effects our consciousness. The dramas which we currently see on Earth, with its ups and downs, pain and pleasure, is a product of cosmic winds, or energy tides.

These tides are accelerated with the growth of human consciousness here on Earth. To every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. But the reaction to consciousness raising is temporary. Sort of like the darkness before the dawn. There is definitely something larger going on here as we transition into an awakening.

The disease is a dis-ease or dis-harmony within ourselves, which many have already overcome. But it is necessary to remind some that they existed before they were born here on Earth. In the newest Tom Cruse movie it is said, “what is always coming but never arrives?’ The answer is tomorrow. It is my experience that the only thing which truly exists is this eternal moment. The rest of it is just a dance of shadow and light.

Peace and Good Journey in the now.
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