Thread: Experiences
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Old 24-04-2024, 10:31 AM
Klaatu24 Klaatu24 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 152
Originally Posted by CassandraApollo
When I’m around people my signal to not talk is an alka-seltzer sensation in my elbows.

That's so cool! Does the alka-seltzer sensation happen automatically, or is there a technique you do beforehand, like asking yourself if it's ok to talk?

Originally Posted by CassandraApollo
I often wonder about how they can heal us so quickly.

Yeah, it's like magic! I've heard they're incredible masters with DNA.

Originally Posted by CassandraApollo
The first person I see is wearing a pyramid thing on their head and someone else a tinfoil hat. Some of them were obviously not Experiencers and was there to just sell merchandise.

I've heard of people wearing tinfoil hats at conventions. Seems funny and cute, but sooooo far from reality. Must admit though, I'd probably go see what they were selling. The conventions I've gone to have had serious speakers with lots of evidence, which is really awesome.

One of the coolest things was a boy who'd sent in a video to a convention speaker. The boy had set up two video cameras to view the sky from his house: one regular camera, and an infra-red camera. He angled the cameras so they recorded the exact same view. The video divided the screen in half; one camera on the left side, the other on the right.

The video from the regular camera showed the sky, some clouds and the tops of other houses. The infra-red showed the exact same scene only a UFO was in the sky.

Originally Posted by CassandraApollo
Do you find there is a difference on what you can see when not in-person vs in-person with someone?

Wow, yeah! When alone, I'm not as nervous, so I can relax. I don't try to get information from people at conventions though. But if there's someone who's transitioned to the other side who I love, like a movie star, I'll send out that deep love and say things from the heart. Usually that night, or in a few nights, I'll get a visitation.

I've contacted family members that way too who have transitioned -- just feel that deep, deep love and think of them, and talk to them from your heart. It may not happen right away, but usually in a few days something happens, like a synchronicity that automatically reminds you of them, or a visit in some way or another.

Speakers at conventions say the more you practice, the easier it'll get.

Originally Posted by CassandraApollo
About them seeing the ET’s, I think most people have a limit to what they can handle.

Definitely! When someone tells me they're interested in UFOs, I'll start talking. Not the heavy duty stuff, but lighter stuff. There usually comes a point where their face will start looking hard, like they don't believe me -- that's my cue to stop and switch the conversation.

Originally Posted by CassandraApollo
Seems like our subconscious is always working even during an NDE, like knowing your friend would need you.

Oops -- wasn't exactly clear about that. Sorry. Somehow I learned on the other side about the friend needing help, it wasn't the subconscious.

Originally Posted by CassandraApollo
MIB or whoever they are: I got used to them being around. Like, I would wave at them or say things on the phone like, hey how’s the weather where you are. One time I was talking with a fellow experiencer about a date I’d been on and how I didn’t think he would be okay with the ET part of my life. I then said, hello MIB, who’s listening right now, are you single? There was a very loud CLICK on the line. My friend and I both laughed so much.

Hey, did your date work out -- is he ok with ETs? That's funny, and spooky at the same time, about the MIB listening in on your conversation.

I have a very vague, split-second image of two of them. But I don't know if that's my imagination or not. But there was a really intense, almost angry feeling coming from them. Speakers have said that some (or all?) MIB are actually ETs. I don't know.

Amazing you can do remote viewing! Makes you wonder about the instructor. How did you find out about the remote viewing sessions?

Regarding the SUV -- just curious -- when your "Spirit immediately noticed it," how did you sense this? I'm always looking for different ways to develop psychic senses. Plus, I'd be scared to death if I talked in the park toward spy people and then people followed me. You're really brave!

With all your experiences, have you contacted any UFO places, like MUFON or other places that look into ETs and UFOs? I haven't. I don't think they'd believe me.
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