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Old 17-09-2015, 05:39 AM
tealily tealily is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
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6 of Swords rev + 8 of wands (effect): A HA! If you "stop", things will actually move more quickly. Or "Rest now because all kinds of shizz is about to go down". I'll take that as a message that I should rest rather than work hard today.
Holy s***, I'm so glad I stayed at home today instead of going out for groceries. Shizz did indeed go down majorly and there was a frantic hour spent on the internet - we have a new major deadline in less than 24 hours.

5 of Cups (cause), 7 of Wands reversed (effect): Ouch - grief leads to turning inwards and away from external conflicts. I don't think it's unhealthy though - maybe it's a wise time to focus on healing rather than continuing to fight stuff out. Doing honour to the healing process :)

Knight of Cups (cause) + 6 of swords rev (effect): Hmm! Something nice comes along (real or imaginary) and stops one in their tracks.
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