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Old 27-01-2022, 10:41 PM
Gem Gem is offline
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It's more like a continuity... and I'll just use the example of doing a heavy deadlift, but it could be anything like playing the piano, building a business or anything else, which is not to say a nice car or a million dollars can't just fall in your lap... though it's rare... and pulling 200kg off the floor doesn't fall in your lap.

Their are steps: first a commitment to the the goal or deadline, then planning your training schedule, and then execution of the plan. Sometimes you'll love training and be happy, but you'll also have rough training days. However, training has to be done regardless of if you want to do it or not. It's not realistic to expect this will be a joy-fest. It's realistic to say you love training and are committed to that process and determined to reach the goal, but there are good days, and there are days that suk.

Obstacles will crop up. You'll get minor injuries or 'niggles' and training will be interrupted by unforeseeable circumstances. At times you'll see yourself making excellent progress and feel on top of the world. Other times you'll hit a plateau and feel like it's a pointless grind. There's even times when you go backwards and everything is in vain, so it takes a fair amount of determination to be steadfast, because you know one thing is for sure: I you don't do the training, you won't lift the weight.

The same applies to all the other stuff. If you want to play a good piano, build a business or become successful in anything at all, it takes commitment, dedication, determination, confidence and other virtues. Indeed, the process is how these virtues are cultivated.

I understand no-one is going to like what I'm saying because it's not a miracle or particularly spiritual, but it is realistic, and for those interested in making what they want to happen actually happen, this will work. If you worry about your vibration and aligning with a vortex, which I have no idea what that is, you ain't gonna be a good pianist or lift the weight or whatever it is you want. You have to be in the process of doing what it takes to make it happen.

It's more appealing to imagine a joy-fest than it is to appreciate what it's really like, but if you think back over any achievement in your life, anything from playing the piano, building a business, keep up the rent, lifting a mammoth deadlift, raising a child or whatever it might be, you'll know what it's really like.
Radiate boundless love towards the entire world ~ Buddha
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