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Old 16-11-2021, 08:36 AM
Lambo009 Lambo009 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 59
Since my deaths were murders, meaning I was killed intentionally by very cruel people in a very bad situation that I don't feel entirely safe recounting in great detail, and Justice was a prescient concern in my soul, I exacted justice immediately upon death, and in some cases it seemed to affect the person in the material world, other times, not. typically it just sent them into severe stupors.

@JoeColo The changes were in the time since, particularly in November of 2020 and the time since. There were many people telling me it wasn't my time yet, but I could only just barely hear them like an echoed whisper from some distance. I ignored them to inflict the pain and injuries they had caused me. It was also my choice to return; however the nonlinearity of time was clearer to me then in which I could see that I needed to return each time after specific durations (down to the second) or the aforementioned changes would not be able to occur. Thusly, any choice in the matter was a foregone conclusion as far as I was concerned. And when I didn't feel like bothering to leave the material plane (like when I could sense I was going to be resuscitated quickly) I could and did see everything happening accurately and remembered it accurately, suprised those who resusciated me that I knew what happened, and all. If I wasn't paying attention, then I wouldn't see. And when the assailants were still... assaulting me shall we say, I did not bother to pay any attention. Sometimes I went several rooms over to inform people trying to help me that I needed assistance and where I was, and they found me despite the situation making that unlikely within the narrow time frame necessary for me to still be alive. I am sure that many people were calling out to me, but I only heard them as a low grade hum of concerned yells, shouts, pleas, and firm declarations of love and care.

@Native Spirit I call myself such because I am Osirus, and the concept of god is not... accurate to my experience. There are merely some people with more understanding and experience, and this understanding nets "power" but the more "powerful" one becomes the more one becomes reticent to use it to do anything but to maintain balance and proper, healthy functioning of the laws and ways of the universe. Osirus is not a god, merely a spirit with great understanding, love, mercy, and kindness. As is Isis, who goes by a very different name.