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Old 19-03-2018, 09:22 AM
Gideon2037 Gideon2037 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 28
The Book of Judges. and Gideon the Humanist.

To me the Book of Judges reads like service records.

"Gideon was a judge for so many years, protected the 12 tribes from the Midianites, and left a bunch of children.."

Almost every entry in the book of Judges reads in a similar fashion. Now we obviously can't prove or disprove certain spiritual scenes, such as with Gideon gets a visit from a holy spirit who instructs him and so on. But we can verify that the wars/ battle actually took place.

Point being that if we can appreciate the verifiable history within the book of judges then we really should be celebrating the history of these male and some female Judges. I mean to me the Judges are essentially Jedi. The Last Jedi being Samson the strongest man in the world.

I wonder why there are no movies on these heroes and leaders?


Are there any Judges that stand out to you in any way?

I am a humanist above all things, and to me the story of the Judge Gideon pleads the case for said philosophy.
This is why Gideon is my preferred moniker. and how I am able to separate his name from "the gideons" and their quest to distribute the good book in hotels nation wide.

Maybe it was God that gave us the gift of the human spirit? Maybe the beauty in humanity is God. Maybe the holy spirit brought us out of the caves?

Anyone have a similar inspirations? Questions or interesting thoughts about the Book of Judges?
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