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Old 28-02-2021, 05:09 PM
NoOne NoOne is offline
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Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
I don’t know what is meant by awakening or enlightenment. There are incremental shifts within, gradual progression.

I also struggle with defining this state, there is no set definition or commonly agreed term.

Just from my own experience, both terms are apt, because what is called Kundalini Awakening, culminates in a flooding of the body by light. That experience of being flooded by light is probably what is usually referred to as "Enlightenment". However, both terms are essentially meaningless to those that have yet to experience it. I like to compare it to having an orgasm. If you have never had one, no amount of other people describing it to you will do it justice, you really have to experience it yourself, then you will instantly know what is being referred to, by remembering the experience.

Loosely speaking, bliss may be described as a purring rapture, a current, sometimes a roar, a spasm of ineffable delight, an electricity, seemingly radiating in the central channel Sushumna. A climax unending. It is permanent, unaffected by the external, although if our attention is immersed in some other activity, it may not be visible in active cognition. No sooner we come to a position of rest, we again become aware of the current.


Likewise, the inner sound current. It is always there, if we are quiet. If not, it still remains but we lose cognition of it for the moment, that’s all.

That is also very true, Legrand likes to call it the Music of The Spheres, which is the best term we have.

As of what I know, each case is different. A friend of mine can easily shift vibrationally into the Parambrahm domain, another gets definitive guidance from the universe on a moment to moment basis. The enableabilities vary.

That domain is an interesting place, if we can call it that. In some ways, it is a lack of time and space, more than anything. Calling it the realm of light might be the most accurate, but it lacks the primary characteristics of a physical realm like ours, with well defined dimensions of time and space. This Parabrahman realm lacks the limitations of dimensions, it is all-encompassing, expansive, boundless and timeless, with no mind, no emotion and no thought, just pure consciousness, bliss, joy, and all-encompassing, blinding, white light. The Self has no limits there, except for what it chooses to place on itself, but even those are merely theoretical. I like to think of it as the Universal Form of the Self, which all sentient beings share. There is only this one Self, which we all are, we just look into this world from slightly different points of view from each other and forget that our separation and isolation is self-inflicted. With Enlightenment, we simply realise our lack of separation and are liberated from the illusion of individuality and discrete pockets of personality, that goes by the term "ego". It is still possible to experience I-ness, though we prefer to exist in Universal Self, or to be Brahman in other words. Brahman is all-encompassing and we are part of it, but by becoming It, we also become everyone else, if that makes sense.

NoOne, on this forum, as also Legrand interact with the Goddess. Many others have different abilities but are reticent, so we must respect their wish to be silent.

Those that have gone through full Kundalini Awakening, very commonly report interactions with the Goddess. That is because in her primary form, Kundalini IS a Goddess. She delights in all her forms and expressing herself as Kundalini Rising, the serpent of energy rising up along the spine is one of her favourite activities. She likes this play, because she gets to experience the drama of building herself up, clearing the path along the way, by burning away impurities in the form of karma, cleansing her temple (the tree of life, or the human energy body in other words), picking the fruits of enlightenment along the way and finally, when she breaks through the final knot, she returns into her embrace of Shiva. In that state, she feels intense anticipation and erotic desire, as she has been separated from her lover for so long and this sexual tension and the anticipation of reuniting with her long-lost lover is what makes the moment of Enlightenment so special for her.

When she finally breaks through to the Parabrahman realm, as you put it, two become one and she unites with her male half. God and Goddess annihilate each other, duality, the physical universe is destroyed through their bridal dance and pure energy, blinding white light is created as an expression of the ONE. Like I said many time before, this annihilation of the physical has a parallel in science, as this is exactly what happens when matter and antimatter meet, they annihilate each other, destroying all that is physical and creating pure energy in its stead.

What matters is a shift in permanence, not that sporadic experiences don’t count. However, the permanent assimilation within is ours in definitiveness.

That in itself is a long process, taking up an entire lifetime, even under ideal circumstances. For many, it will take several lifetimes. Nothing is as hard as the transformation of the soul from the mundane into the divine, because it requires surrender of ego and a destruction of the false, illusory sense of self. It is harder than just accepting death, because death is just temporary, you will be reborn soon in another form, or continue life in the afterlife, in another realm. But, enlightenment is the destruction of your dualistic nature and the fusing of opposing energies, particularly male and female, Ida and Pingala, on the semi-physical level. By destroying your duality, you become divine, slowly and gradually, but your own ego will resist this transformation every step of the way and there are huge sacrifices that have to be made to complete this transformation.
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