Thread: Deer Season!!!!
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Old 01-12-2018, 12:44 PM
Busby Busby is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
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I often think how rich and full our planet's natural life would be if we hadn't terminated and 'controlled' it, (as we still seem to think it's OK to do). Nature could solve its own problems as it well did long before we came on the scene with our horrible weapons and twisted logic.

Recently there was a photograph in the press of 'A Successful Day's hunting in India', this was at the time of The East India Company who were also busy tearing down the jungles to plant tea. In the photo there were 80 dead tigers lying on the ground and a smiling, happy group of their proud killers.

Millions of Bison were shot on American plains, leaving behind empty dustbowls. In Australia kangaroos, wild horses and wild camels are shot from helicopters leaving still-alive but wounded animals to suffer until dead. Sharks, shot because they get too near surfers are shot in Australia and South Africa, those that remain have their fins cut off so the Chinese can have soup. French, Israeli and Maltese hunters shoot migrating birds out of the sky just for fun. British hunters still allow their dogs (although now illegal) to tear foxes to pieces. Each winter Canadians kill thousands and thousands of baby seals for their furs. The Japanese and Norwegians still illegally catch and slaughter whales (for scientific purposes they say), a popular sport in the USA is rattlesnake shooting, and our oceans are almost empty of fish. Our fields are bare of wild flowers, our use of chemical fertilisers has ended such beautiful sights as we need the ground to plant and produce tons and tons of stuff we don't need - because we are getting fat and fatter. Bees are dying out, badgers culled in their thousands, rabbits poisoned, and so on. The list of atrocities caused humans and especially by weapons of all kinds shames mankind, if there is such a thing as karma then we are all doomed.

The short listing above is of course due to our spiritual appreciation of nature and our understanding of the needs of all (remaining) living creatures

So lets just carry on killing, murdering and destroying - we won't live forever. For our children's children and their children we'll have to deny all responsibility so let's keep our eyes closed.

We are all nutcases.
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