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Old 17-08-2012, 06:34 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Henri77
I suspect it has partly to do with how the brain processes information.
(my personal theory)

Things seen in peripheral vision are processed differently, as we make no judgement
on what it is. It's considered an anomoly and not categorized.

While things in full view ,the brain is forced to catagorize (tries to) and spirits , ghosts often
don't fit our belief system , and are ignored by the brain (in many but certainly not all cases)

Children make no, or fewer judgements as to what is real and easily see spirits, while adults are often afraid of the unknown , or refuse to see what they don't (any longer) believe in.

The comments here somewhat corroborate my theory....
Also, I feel the brain prefers to be in alpha-theta to see astral things,
Yet normal reality-vision occurs in beta... so the brain must choose one state or the other.

I've found by defocusing, my brain more easily slips into alpha, or in dim light as well.
I suspect neuroscience has an explanation..about altered states/vision. and would be curious if I'm at all close.

Some here, say they see spirits as clear 3d entities ... but I suspect that's a minority.

I generally only can see angels spirits in full view if I switch to 3rd eye priority and presumably alpha, while defocusing. Or clairvoyant vision of a distant scenario, by the same means.

When I was learning mediumship, the teacher preferred we kept our eyes open while giving messages.... relating what we saw-heard, so I learned to do that.

Thank you for sharing.

All The Glory Belongs To God Forever!
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