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Old 06-01-2023, 02:21 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is offline
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In my view we tend to overanalyse chakras and kundalini. Instead of focusing on energy zones as barriers to be crossed, if we simply refine consciousness by moment to moment mindfulness, we will tap into the higher polarity of the chakra attributes, without employing fragmented thought.

The blockages at each chakra corresponds to a fear or conditioned belief. Fear mirrors desire, so it can be repressed desire as well, rooted in attachment to ourselves as an identity separate from totality of existence.

Past samskaras* (*carry forward tendencies) need to be worked out. In my view, it’s something like when we go to school ~ listen to the teacher in a receptive, attentive manner, recognising that we don’t know but are open to, eager to imbibing what is offered, without resistance. Hence the practice being no practice. Simply be, embracing and releasing whatever arises and subsides in an aspect of childlike wonderment.

The simplest way to heal any blockage is to ask for healing as a child asks his mother with trust and innocence.

Edit: at the risk of repeating myself on this matter, I’d strongly advise against any forced technique to tap into the kundalini or tamper with chakras. There are several horror stories out there of those who did and suffered. On the other hand, simply flowing without resistance allows Divine Mother to enable us beauteously and blissfully.
The Self has no attribute

Last edited by Unseeking Seeker : 06-01-2023 at 03:39 AM.
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