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Old 14-11-2019, 11:59 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by NoOne

I have been taking a more passive approach, as I was out of balance lately and needed to retune myself. As a result of our conversation, the Goddess came to me last night and corrected a few of my misconceptions.

I did not do a very good job of explaining how she came to be on this earth all those millennia ago. I assumed, mostly based on the popular literature on the subject, that back then, the Anunnaki were in physical bodies, flying around in craft and came to earth in physical bodies as well. Apparently, that is a popular misconception. She explained to me, that it is actually a lot like the Hindu concept of gods incarnating as avatars into a physical body, such as Krishna being an avatar of Vishnu. The way she showed it to me was as follows:

She was floating around in a void space and she was surrounded by a dynamically moving hoop. She explained to me, that this is a time loop and this is how they observe our linear time from their higher-dimensional realm. In this void, she can reach out to any point in the time loop, touch it and enter it for a very brief time, from her perspective. For us, it is an entire lifetime, but for them, it is barely a blip in time.

This is what an incarnation or avatar is. They touch a particular point in the time loop as they see fit, but from their perspective, there is no difference between the past, present and future, they are all accessible to them simultaneously and they do not observe the passage of time as we do. They simply do not need to travel around in spacecraft, because they can access any point in time and space instantaneously. They can appear as you and I experience them, as pure energy, or they can take a physical body and spend a lifetime on earth. This also explains why the Goddess has so many different forms and names, it is the same "Her" just in different points in time and space. She does not see a distinction between her different forms and incarnations the way we do.

Hello NoOne,

I'm trying actually to "see" the cosmos from Her very own perspective at this time. She does not come as an energy form anymore. I see Her as the all Cosmos Itself. Getting to expand and feel every details of It as I merge more and more with Her.

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