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Old 12-06-2021, 01:06 PM
NoOne NoOne is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
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Hinduism isn't really a single religion, it is more of an umbrella of different traditions and approaches it has accumulated over the millennia, making it very eclectic.

Most Hindu practices are devotional in nature and don't require any mind-games, those are for the more esoteric approaches.

The reason for the general complexity of Hinduism is its attempt to syncretise and integrate pretty much any religious impulse or practice you can think of, into one tradition. This has required enormous amount of brainpower and twists in logic to accommodate, which was essentially the main job of an entire class of Hindus, the priesthood, for millennia.

For ordinary worshippers, these twists in logic and clever mind games aren't required, they know that their personal, familial, tribal, national, etc... god will respond when applied to in the appropriate manner, whether through a priest or by themselves. The rest is for the Brahmins to figure out, ordinary people only really care about the devotional aspect of Hinduism.
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