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Old 21-11-2020, 02:59 PM
Element Element is offline
Join Date: Mar 2017
Location: Scotland
Posts: 95
Ida & Pingala Nadi... Who else sees theirs?

When I meditate (& sometimes when I don't) I can see these energy channels. On my left side, crossing my chest and up under my chin rising upwards is the one channel - bluish purple in colour with a 'pulse' of light rising upwards inside it in a regular sequence. Sometimes, on my right side I see the descending channel, orange yellow in colour.

Try as I have, I cannot find anyone else that experiences this; I would love to have a conversation with anyone, anywhere that also experiences this reality.

I am very experienced in human subtle anatomy and very familiar with the human energetic system. I believe that the I&P are actually channels of Kundalini. Controversial I know - but everything I have experienced and studied points to this conclusion. I have zero evidence for the Kundalini being dormant in the base chakra; indeed plenty of study / experience to tell me that chakras have nothing to do with spiritual development and are thoroughly misunderstood among most people.

However, for now - anyone else see their I&P?
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