Thread: Why have OBEs?
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Old 13-03-2023, 02:41 AM
musiclover87 musiclover87 is offline
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Posts: 11
@Starman it's wonderful to hear your OBEs were so amazing, I look forward to having one like that! I think I knew about them since I was like 12 years old so I was never scared of them, I'd never had one before then (but I did get night terrors and paralysis and that alien presence a couple times) maybe could've made that into an OBE if I'd know what to do. I can see how it must be scary the first time to suddenly find yourself out of body when you have no idea what is happening to you.

I'm sorry to hear about your traumatic experiences, I've heard that sort of situation can sometimes trigger an OBE. Although of course I hope I never have an OBE because of something like that.

Meditation seems to be a good way to have them. I never really got to grips with it, never quite understood what I was supposed to be doing or feeling. Do you have any tips? Do you focus on your breath? That seems the easiest although I still find it a bit hard, as in where/how do I focus on my breath (a bit hard to explain) maybe am just overthinking it.

Thanks so much for sharing your experiences, really interesting! Can I ask what you did whilst out of body? Did you have time to explore or seek any information?
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