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Old 03-11-2022, 07:35 AM
RedEmbers RedEmbers is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
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Originally Posted by dreamt
RedEmbers, thanks for your post. I had just found out that my own mother is a 22.
She set up 3 businesses in her life, unusual considering she came from a housewife background.
There is the shadow side, or what happens when talent/desire doesn't find expression.
It seems to me a fairly heavy path in that failure to live up to our own souls aspirations can leave behind a heavy burden.

I came in here with some heavy karma to transform, which my son sort of inherited yet at the tail end and seems quite tied to his fathers side from my sense.

We set foundations, with fours (2 plus 2) being a number of stability and foundation and 22's being a master builder. I have had to find my feet and stability, find my focus on planet earth before I was able to start exploring bringing my spiritual side into concrete anchorage.

I am not sure about you but for me, I am interested in anchoring and grounding something of great value and importance to me, what I wish to see in this world... for me that is authenticity and courage for individuals who may feel sidelined and inadequate supported to reach their soul potential.

I am very "outside of the norm", which reflects my son's own creative spirit well.
He currently lives in a quite restrictive environment with me as an outside energy... a sort of social rebel perhaps.

All parent child relationships are perfect from a universal perspective, our children choose us and we choose to bring them in to a very specific time and place on earth.... in my own opinion and sense of things of course :-D

Personally, I go by my own inner sense of the dynamic between my child and I because that inner wisdom is usually pretty spot on.
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