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Old 19-07-2021, 05:52 PM
ayar415 ayar415 is offline
Join Date: May 2021
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Originally Posted by Still_Waters
QUOTE 187 EXCERPT: I have done my best in trying to continue the spiritual dialogue about realizations beyond the 5 senses ... and even beyond intellect and words.

Yes, you have. Spirituality is a cuisine for the soul that is beyond the 5 senses. This is why there is more than one way to cook food: Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Paganism, etc. And you seem to like fusion: Asian dishes with a western touch.

I like it simple. Real sustenance - to me - is something I can see, smell, taste, and sink my teeth in. I prefer my food off the vine with no machinations of the human mind.

I am not into dualism. There is no separation between mind and matter, body and soul, me and you. Spirituality that has nothing to do with the squirrels and birds in my garden has nothing to do with me.
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