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Old 27-10-2020, 04:28 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by lemex
Everyone sees (and knows imo) if they take time to be and observe. In truth I think people know and see and this is an individuals truth. The person must be willing to observe. I think we are driven by energy. Take the example anger, what is seen. I have seen people so angry as they lose control or maybe gain control of anger. The energy drives itself. There is a part of nature that is automatic. People can get caught up in that nature of energy and it is very addictive where we find much of what we do is habit and very old. We manifest because it is familiar. We do not manifest what we do not know and without practice. There will be many failures at first with the new mind, We could use the word ego here. Here's an experiment. Next time you get angry try not to be, then observe.

I wish I could pin this. Thank you, lemex.

How do you perceive of the reprogramming aspect? The old, the automated, is so fast. Your comments are extremely valuable to me.
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