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Old 03-10-2020, 10:37 AM
MysticalShaman MysticalShaman is offline
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Originally Posted by Starman
MysticalShaman, I have heard “Shaman’s” talk about coming face to face with incredibly overwhelming experiences from other dimensions that really freaked them out. They are dealing with the mystical which does not fit into the everyday norm. All fear comes from ego; ego is the only thing in us that freaks out. Before I do meditation I often say a humble prayer. Humility is very important on the spiritual path. It is not so much what appears to us as it is how we react to what appears to us. If you develop a strong relationship with your deeper being, what some call your soul, you can readily dissolve any images or visions, which may appear to you.

You have to learn how to spiritually protect yourself otherwise you open yourself up to all sorts of things. Everything is about learning, in my opinion, and the most important lesson is to “Know Thyself.” You can learn from the visions you are having if you did not have such fear of them or adversely judge them. Give attention to your fear and your fear will grow. I have no idea what your visions are about but I do believe that you have options in how you choose to deal with them.

You can go see a psychiatrist or counselor who may put you on some type of medication to stop the visions, you can go see a spiritual counselor, a medium, psychic, etc., but you have to find one you can trust and who is not expensive, or you can try to work through this yourself using self help information. It is up to you. Crazy just means you are experiencing something that you, and others, may not consider normal. Labeling yourself as being crazy will not help you.

You need to learn how to separate yourself from your visions in a very calm way without any fear or anxiety. It is only if you push them away and detach that you may be able to see them as they are, and maybe even learn from them. In quiet meditation there is no fear, a quiet peaceful mind has no fear, fear comes from a reactive mind. Don’t try to figure this out, just try to let go of it. Nothing can get you unless you invite it into your life.

It does not matter whether the visions are real or not, what matters is that you find peace within yourself. Visions are often messages from our subconscious. Try writing these things down and examine them to look for patterns, or maybe what they may mean to you personally. It may get to a point where you will need some type of professional intervention, but be aware most professionals most likely will classify what you are experiencing as hallucinations.

Regardless, you need to find someone you can trust, a friend, relative, etc., and talk to them about this; especially if it keeps bothering you the way that it seems to be. If you do nothing it may go away all by itself or it may get worst. What we give our attention to will grow. Take relaxing baths and do other things to relax your body and mind. With this experience, and every other experience that you have in life, you have and opportunity to learn more about yourself.

Peace and Good Journey

Thank you so much for this insight. It’s really comforting to just have an outside perspective confirm what I feel.

I will go to a psychiatrist if these experiences interrupt my life.

I would prefer to see an actual Shaman first, or spiritual inclined person like a Buddhist monk or something but right now don’t have that option.

I will take on board those experiences with a new stance, to face the fears head in and be open to the experience - which is how I had the first experience that changed my life to begin with in the positive ways!

Just being able to discuss this openly on this platform helps though....

So honestly thank you so much!
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