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Old 22-09-2020, 05:24 PM
Phaelyn Phaelyn is offline
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I myself love guru's and teachers. Krishnamurti, Ram Das, Tolle, Mooji, Bodhidhama, Jesus, Buddha, Merton, Watts, Castaneda, Henepola Gunaratana, Mother Teresa, Ghandi, Lao-Tzu, Rumi, Bede Griffith, and thousands more.... Plato and Socrates...Gerome Ragni and James Rado and music by Galt MacDermot, I think everyone is basically a guru and teacher.... everyone says something..... so is attempting to teach or project something....

Love how Plato's allegory of the cave illustrates so many spiritual truths.

Teachers and guru's and anyone really who harms others I am not fond of. Anything that leads to harm I am not fond of, so my own ego as well. But then we are to love everyone unconditionally. Even those who harm us or wish us harm. Love those who say things against us. But then obviously we should stop harm if we can or speak against it.

We are all god, every single person. There are mechanisms in place to deal with those who harm. Karma and what not. I was just reading in Journey of Souls about those who do serious harm to others don't even return to the main astral realms.... they are kept separate and almost immediately return to earth to suffer abuse themselves.

Even the smallest thing, to say something mean to or about another, can have serious repercussions. But then the smallest act of love and kindness, can also have a huge affect. As Jesus said, to even think something bad about another is a sin. But then as Buddha and Jesus said, it's about ignorance. We don't do bad because we are bad, we do it out of ignorance. Not knowing better. If everyone knew the vast implications of bad thoughts towards others, no one would continue to do such things.
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