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Old 10-12-2022, 05:34 PM
Cattems Cattems is offline
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 213
I refreshed my memory of this. It makes even more sense now. I like the angels. Those who have rebuffed me for my belief in them, take note, lol (no one here). There really are angels.

My guides (I call them my team) interact with me all day, every day. They remind me of little things, a better way to do something, reminding me to do a task, or include something. They are different than angels though.

My Angel or Angels, don't know which it is, has protected me and have kept me on my path of learning and not to stray from what I came here to learn.

I am reminded of Lorna Byrne and her first two books where she describes angels in detail. They are definitely real to her! It's hard not to believe after reading her books. Maybe I need to pull them out again. I could use a bit of uplifting right now.
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