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Old 31-12-2020, 02:04 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Because many that seem as if they are blindly believing have had direct experiences to the contrary. They are not blind at all.
(I am not a fan of Blind Faith, btw. I believe seeing is believing.)

Another reason is they are 'Right Brainers'...the artistic, intuitive side of the brain
Left Brainers do not understand Right Brainers.

Another reason - Right Brainers have a 'memory chip' in that Hemisphere that allows them to remember
past life knowledge they gleaned of how the Universe works...meditating for decades and/or sitting
at the feet of a Master many lives, for instance.

Left Brainers usually, imo, have been intellectual and logic leaners for many lives...making it very hard
to be flexible in matters of the Unseen.

From what I have learned? We are all in our perfect places.
My take, hope it helps a little.

What have you seen that was not of your own mind?
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