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Old 05-09-2019, 02:05 AM
LolKat LolKat is offline
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 38
Accidental Awareness?

First, let me say that I have been keeping a gratitude journal, because I love writing and everything I ever read about being happier, etc. says to be grateful.
Also, I was reading a tarot spread for myself in an effort to see more clearly into the path of reaching my goals for the month, one of which is positive re-framing.
Anyway, I was doing this reading and interpreting what it was trying to tell me, when suddenly, I felt myself "step up." Literally. And in this space, things were clearer. I felt good, I felt positive. Boredom disappeared when I could get there, and I actually enjoyed things! (People always tell me, "just enjoy the moment," and I always want to ask, "how do you do that?!" ). I felt more connected to my life going on around me.
I have tried meditation on and off for a bit, and lately I just fit in a few moments here and there, or think on a quote that meant something to me that day. But my intention then was not to meditate or anything, it was just to more clearly set my intentions for the month. But there was that step. Up.
The whole point of this post is to ask: *** happened? And what can I do to keep going in that direction?! I plan on trying to meditate and reach up, even for a few moments, but are there any other thoughts? Ideas? Tips?

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