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Old 03-07-2013, 05:18 AM
Kontufuto Kontufuto is offline
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I will just add one more post to this thread because I think its a good wrap up to an otherwise insolvable riddle (for the moment anyways).

Man tries in his most scientific method possible ways to prove something not meant for this universe. In other words, he uses tools designed for here but not for there (somewhere else - the other layers of existance). His thoughts and tools and principals used are of the physical universe. Does he have a tool to measure the amount of electricity in a given outlet? Yes. Does he have a device that can measure the volume of gas in a given cylinder? Yes. Does he have a machine that can pump water in an empty tank? Yes. Do all of these devices and tools relate to the universe we call the physical? Yes. If proof of these devices and tools function and work of this world then it should be concluded that proof of something outside this universe can only be proven with tools and devices outside of this universe. It is simple logic and if you put together a Venn Diagram the circles would be separate and not overlapping. With this said there are manifestions of other universes which tap into the physical universe as others like astral suzy and others who 'know' AP exists yet proof is non-existant if we were to prove it in the physical. Why? Because it isn't physical. Simple as that.

So there are no right or wrongs. There has been some frustration and some convoluted responses but none of them are right or wrong. How can we say something doesn't exist unless one has experienced it? Those who have not experienced it will say its fallacy while others who have experienced it will say it does exist and is real but maybe real only to those who have acknowledged it. I for one have had others acknowledge my presence from great physical distances several times and while Remote Viewing has always been real for me it is that realism with another that makes the only proof one can validate.

So can Barnacles question be answered? Yes. If so, how can the answer be derived? I would say if you are willing and able to manifest yourself to that answer then the delivery mechanism chosen is the proof by which the truth be told. For me, I would have to 'resonate' to that energy flow and I have chosen not to do so. But if I did desire and want to then the answer would be present and the end of this least temporarily because for the wary who wouldn't believe it no matter how carefully the answer was derived. was fun but still an exercise in futility - at least from my perspective from looking outside the box and not from inside it.

Peace and Love and Blessings to all who posted and read the variety of perspectives and viewpoints contained within the ever so large body of Spiritual Beings we all are!
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