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Old 31-08-2020, 04:00 AM
Posts: n/a
Hello FairyCrystal,

I can relate,having moved to a small country town 2yrs ago.

People you have described,are very much on par,though it doesn't bother me,as i do my own thing and keep to myself.

It is though like being on another planet,people wise,compared to where i moved from.

As to ' why do I end up in such situations as I've been there before.'?

Perhaps ruminating on that question is the answer to finding out what's been holding you back.

What irks us though,what annoys us and what we react to,and being mindful of these,we can then understand more about ourselves.

Regards visualising,also look online at realestate,peruse,salivate,dream,and see what tickles your fancy.

It'll simulate the possibilities and stir the juices of the soul.

Regards respect,i find it easier to just accept people for who they are,good or bad.

If there was a god,he would say,children who are programmed,blinded and misguided,know,no better.

Accept the things you can change,accept the things you can't change and the wisdom to know the difference.

It doesn't matter if people respect us,what they do,there opinions and or whatever etc etc,as long as we respect ourselves and live by our own ideals,beliefs and the way we want to live our life etc,the rest will follow.

By beating life to the tune of your own drum,respect and acceptance of others becomes effortless.
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