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Old 06-07-2022, 11:22 AM
Sir Neil Sir Neil is offline
Join Date: Oct 2021
Location: Greater London
Posts: 944
First things first, the past couple of years have been chaotic for sure, but they certainly aren’t unprecedented. We have had pandemics before, we have had famines before, we have had political instability before, and we have had wars before. Now really isn’t any better or worse than any time before.

But there are still plenty of good things going on around the world.

And secondly, God doesn’t hate us at all. God is always sending us love and blessings, but it’s our own fearful thoughts and angers, which create all of the negative events in the world, particularly if they affect the whole planet. It’s a mass consciousness thing.

God has empowered us by the laws of the Universe, and we use those to create our realities according to our own consciousness. Unfortunately, most people in the world create automatically through fear, cynicism, irony, and complaining, and this is why we have things like the supposed cost of living ‘crisis’ at the moment.

Wars erupt in areas where there is a lot of anger and fear among the people. Famines and droughts occur when there is a lot of scarcity consciousness. Political instability comes when there is a lot of anger and division among the people of a particular country. It’s all about the energies which are collectively sending out.

(I haven’t really been paying much attention to it, and as a result, haven’t been placing much attention on it either. It isn’t really affecting my life).

What we need is a major attitudinal shift to what ‘real life’ is actually like, because in doing that, we will attract a very different reality for ourselves.
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