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Old 21-11-2021, 03:09 AM
Green.Heals Green.Heals is offline
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 535
Everyone is different as you can see....

I don't do well with oil. Oils give me terrible skin. I did raw veganism for a time as well. You could say I was 9/5/5 - it helped in some area's, being all raw completely took away anxiety & depression. But even steamed veg brought these back. Mainly fruit, caused some major issue's. When I came back into cooked those issue's reversed, and I still eat a lot of fruit, will even eat it as a meal, but not all meals, and not every day.

Try to show yourself kindness, if you were in a place you weren't able to eat what you needed for yourself, well you chose to survive the best you could. I've only seen the crazy Vegans say they'd starve themselves, but who knows if they would, I mean but you could really beat yourself up here...if someone was a true Vegan in my eyes, they wouldn't live in a city, in home that likely took over an animals home, they wouldn't drive a vehicle, or use man made products.

I eat some fish occasionally in a year. I just started eating eggs again this year.

For me eating tons of veggies, different colors, getting in my green veg really makes my hair and nails grow. Water def has a nice impact, but I still struggle to drink it daily.

Sprouts, Nuts, seeds, are great but I have an issue with getting enough in. Greens are a staple. Vegan Yogurt. Kefir. Pickled veg. I like those.

I stay away from soy. I eat my healthy fats, but not in an oil. I have kidney issue's so I have to be careful with salt & high sodium in my diet.

I also cannot have grains, gluten, and I have to be careful with legumes. I have tried soaking, sprouting, and cooking them from scratch, and I've used seaweed but I still can barely stomach them. So when it comes down to only Veg, basically....I started implementing other. I supplement.

If it isn't working, try something else. Keep trying. I don't cook meats because I don't like the way they smell, or their texture, or the fact that you know I had to kill it, or it was killed for me. When I can afford to eat better, I do, and usually can nix eggs & fish.

Again, if you don't feel good eating it, don't.
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