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Old 04-06-2021, 11:13 PM
GalacticWarrior GalacticWarrior is offline
Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 52
Since we are talking about Gnomes here I would just like to post my experience with them from my Journal. I hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Gnomes

A couple of months back, during the summer, I've had a partial OBE experience that was out of sight. It was during the day. I laid in my bed, and I don't remember how I got there but I was in this cavern. Furthermore, in the cavern I met a gnome. A gnome for those who don't know them, they are little people the height of a Leprechaun or an Elf; and what they do is work on Mines, making sure that the Crystals and minerals are in place and safe. Anyway, I've met a Gnome that called Himself Ted. It was fantastic I'd never saw a Gnome before, and Ted looked like those gnomes in somebody's garden with pointy Hats, and so cute. Continuously, after we met I followed Ted to a golden city, and I mean real gold. Everything, was made of gold, except the bridge they had, and I don't remember if I went down under on a ladder or a stairs. All I know was that there were other gnomes, and they were suspicious. Then, I'd told them not to be afraid, and this adorable gnome who was a lady said: "We never met a Human like you before." Later, Ted told me that the gnomes lived under this golden city for thousands of years. Ted later said that they want to make sure that the Earth is ok, and well. Meanwhile, Ted also said that Gaia was suffering on the hands of my own kind, the Humans. In other words, we weren't taking care of Gaia, our Mother Earth as we should. Instead, we're contaminating Her with pollutions, and other sorts of disasters. At one point, I said "yeah, they are ignorant, but they don't know." Then, Ted said "But they do know, they just don't have their eyes open, and they're a sleep." And of course, I've said "you're right." I later realized, that it was time to go. therefore, I opened a portal with my index finger pointing outwards. Only, to close it later. I couldn't go without saying goodbye to the gnomes. So, I said my goodbyes, and they also said goodbye to me. Even though, Ted and the other gnomes walked me back outside the cavern, from where I came from. As I walked further and further onto the cave, we reached an exit. It was a dessert outside, with the Sun shining real bright. I began to say my farewells to the gnomes once more, and I just flew at a speed that was way fast. Until, I'd transported and reached the city of New Haven, in Connecticut, I was on the street of Park Street where I am currently staying. I was running as fast as the speed of Light until I've reached my place. I later, Levitated in front of my bedroom window, because I live in a room. Anyway, I went through the window, and I was back into my body, and back into society again. Now, these Gnomes have the kindest hearts, I felt, a warmed welcome when I was around them. Their energy was not negative, it was a peaceful Energy vibe that I've felt. It was incredible, I'll never forget them. And now, I know that the gnomes exist. Thank you Ted, for your warm welcome, and your wisdom. Thank you to my Universe for allowing me to experience such an amazing Out of Body Experience.
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