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Old 12-08-2022, 02:46 AM
Ewwerrin Ewwerrin is offline
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Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
@ Ewwerrin ~ About oneness experiences, I’ve had consciousness expansion too but cannot call it oneness because our formless presence is there and the vast void is there, within which we may or may not see objects but it’s possible to communicate with a higher being, a higher aspect of ourself, God … whatever - so not a singularity. Of course, the falling away of space time, that’s Samadhi, when we become bliss itself, the flame itself, as one without a second. However, considering that we return to body through an unknown mechanism, the totality of what is, is missing in active cognition.

The embodiment of bliss in the physical happens because God too is in the physical, here, now, within. We are vitalised by His breath. I once had an experience where I became His breath, in-dwelling all forms! Wonders never cease. We may say, God alone is, the all there is.
Crazy that there even exists someone to talk about this, isn't it? The fact that we can even mention these things has to be good in atleast that way.

For me there was no audible communication there, but a communication of telempathic knowingness. There was space, yes, void, yes, light beings of vibration of infinite frequency, and they were oriented circular. Like a circular meditation, but no human form whatsoever. Only infinite ever infinitely exponentially infinitely accelerating infinite expansion of infinite pure and utterly pure infinite evermore being and becoming evermore bliss and absolutely bliss alone and only evermore than it. Never less. And even tho bliss doesnt describe it, and even tho not much seemed to change there, it was stable, when I say bliss I mean just all the bliss of our current entire universe, just as the minimum of what that was.... As a never ending evermore becoming absolutely stable and consistent experience.

Maybe there wasn't absolute oneness. Because I still cannot explain my life. And how it fits with all of that. Not even my consciousness. Even tho it did have acces to bliss that could redefine all of my life. What I cannot understand is that even THE ILLUSION of the lack of bliss to co-exist in the same existence, even if just a particular extension of it.

This is mindblowing to me. Mindboggling. What is the missing link between what people call illusion/ego/maya or whatever, and ALL OF THAT, Infinite bliss. Like, my consciousness, has acces TO THAT?! And yet, I'm here?! What on earth am I doing here still? Very strange to try to grasp these kind of decisions. Even tho this universe and especially my life is so small/insignificant seeming. And yet, here I am. Having such a specific experience of this here my life now that seems 99.99999% of everything and anything that I have ever known and ever known myself to be also. And I know everything I say is thus part of the illusion, and yet if I dont say it, here I am still, in this "illusion" or whatever it is. Completely mindboggled.

Reminds me of when someone said how "god like a great light placed a tiny little light, that kept asking God how it can be so great and wanting to know it and understand it, placed that tiny light thus in the midst of great darkness, to help it realise how big it actually is, how it is like that of the bigness of the great light of God." and that tiny little light being me. Not that I can complain about my life. That is even stranger... To think how much worse my life could've been. And yet I remain conscious here.

Sounds a bit like how people say we are but a portion of the sun. Now able to see and understand more clearly how big the sun actually is. Like we are small portions of the sun that wanted to understand/know how big it/we are." But ofcourse the story was about consciousness. An analogical / symbolic reference to consciousness.

There are so many stories that talk about the value of "seperation". How it is still related and thus inseperable. Like us talking about bliss as human beings. In what seems to me like a world that is so seemingly far removed from bliss, tho more moving in the direction of bliss atleast nowadays. On a global scale I mean. Not me individually by far lol. Not yet atleast. But hopefully in the decades to come more often.
Sharing perspective.
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