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Old 12-07-2020, 12:49 PM
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 1,316
law of karma

Originally Posted by Busby
Are you sure that Emerson would have connected this essay with Karma?

I'm not sure at all. In fact I think he was pointing out simply that repercussions are unavoidable no matter what. Simply because an act causes an effect. Karma on the other hand is a driven activity, designed it seems to ensure retribution ensuring that (say) a baby is born blind because of past deeds.
I find this a horrible state of affairs.

A little while ago on another thread I posed the question 'The Concorde Crash and Karma', in other words did the hundred or so people who died in that crash deserve it.
It seems that those of us who are karma fans were/are quite prepared to believe that various people and parties from various walks of life planned the flight, bought the tickets, boarded the plane together quite unaware of the fact that an invisible karma 'manager' had decided an American or Canadian (I can't remember) aircraft mechanic should assembled a small piece of a plane wrongly so that it fell off in Paris onto the runway causing one of the Concorde's tyres to burst its way into the wing. Thus ensuring that retribution should take place.

The amount of retribution to be put on hold in the mechanic's soul must be heavy but of course it is only fair.

Is it not?

People dying in accident such as this is very painful . Definitely we must sympathise with the near and dear ones of dead and should not invoke karma rules to them to cause them more pains . If a baby is born blind , we should not become insensitive to that due to underlying karma rules .That is utter non-sense.Also it does not mean to stop checking how such incident happened and how it can be prevented and not to punish anyone who may have been found guilty of negligence or dereliction of duty .

As we know life consists of known and the unknown (rule finite can not know infinite fully ) . In the known field like jurisprudence /business /politics , law of karma is evident , logical and very much acceptable . In the vast domain of unknown arena (where luck also plays role besides many other tangible factors), divine (Karma manager as u rightly coined ) balances factors like past life actions of self /others , sub-conscious - subterranean under-currents , collective mistakes /good deeds etc and law of karma which could not be handled by the worldly arrangements is fulfilled (which many of us also love to call luck).Human mind may have difficulty understanding co-incidences leading to such tragic events but for the karma manager it is business as usual. In all probability retribution for mechanic may not be much greater because

1. He/she may have done it as per company instruction
2. He simply may not have knowledge of its repercussions.
3. He has not really gained materially in this .

If there is negligence of duty on mechanic part he/she can be punished as per law (worldly arrangement of karma manager)
Definitely the company employing the mechanic may be legally liable as per US/Canada law (worldly arrangement of Karma manager) .

In “The Conduct of Life” and “Self-Reliance,” Emerson exploits the concept of karma, and urges his readers to be responsible for their own deeds in this reference science article

Last edited by HITESH SHAH : 12-07-2020 at 02:18 PM.