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Old 06-06-2019, 02:16 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by inavalan
Have you experienced lucid dreaming? You can perform miracles in that world, because you know you're dreaming. If you realized you're dreaming here, in what you call "physical/consensus reality", you could perform miracles here too.

A key word here is "consensus" You can create any miracle within your reality that you believe you can. However, unless we have a "consensus" that you can do this, then nobody else will witness it in their realities.
Jesus is an interesting case, for the most part those who witnessed his miracles did so because they believed he could perform them. When he healed someone and they thanked and praised him, he responded that their faith had healed them. And this is true, they allowed the healing into their created reality because they believed it to be possible, and had faith that he could do this, a sort of extreme placebo effect.
However, this is not always the case (lazarus comes to mind). Sometimes it appears that Jesus was able to perform miracles even if those around him did not believe he could and therefore would not have created those events within their own realities. This is truly rare when it comes to faith healing and performing miracles.
Typically we all have a choice to believe and witness (create the events within our realities) or not believe and reject. The standard explanation is that well.... of course, Jesus is the Christ, the incarnation of God. But I would argue that we are all incarnations of God. So why do you think that Jesus (or anyone really) would be able to do this when most faith healers (or even faith harmers) rely on the belief and creation of those whose realities they are affecting?
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