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Old 15-05-2011, 08:33 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by tilia
Medium Laura.. the way I was trained there are no "root stones"; there are stones that are multidimensional that can work in many ways and all are right for all chakras under specific circumstances.

Triner... I don't look at charts. Sometimes I may look up in a book after I have dowsed to see why that stone may have come up. But I choose purely using my intuition... no mind, no ego, just 3 spirits communicating (the client, me and the stone spirit) to co-create healing.

I agree books and charts can be a good place to start but they can also, stunt your growth if you become dependent on them. Being lead by the Spirit in my opinion is the best way to approach individual spiritual paths. What works or vibrates for one may be totally different for another depending on the frequencies involved. Sounds to me that you are doing just fine...

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