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Old 20-04-2023, 03:10 PM
yasoooo yasoooo is offline
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Some people have fantasies and imaginary stories about the Qur'an
Especially after the shock of the fall of the Holy Book, they cannot bear that the Qur’an is the book that human hands have not tampered with,

because God promised to preserve it as a final version to guide people and corrector for previous books.

The Qur’an has no problems, but accusations, falsehoods and suspicions without real and impartial scientific studyThe Qur'an is one copy

There is only one copy of the Qur’an in Islam. If you go to America, China, India, Egypt, any country in the world, you will find all Muslims reading the same Qur’an with the letter.
And the word and I challenge you if you find any Muslim who reads another words

But in the Bible, we find Christians divided

When we compare the Gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke together, and compare them to each other, we will notice that the events and speeches are modified as we go from one gospel to another

As one publisher (Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois) stated: “The Bible may look like one book, but it is actually sixty-six books in one. Thirty-nine books make up what we call the Old Testament, and twenty-seven make up the New Testament. It is possible that more than forty writers were used by God to write all sixty-six books.” (Quoted from the “Holy Bible” – New Living Translation, Gift & Award Edition, l997, p. vii)

So if the Bible is neither narrated by God nor written by Him, and, as such, is not ‘the word of God,’ then what is it? By any objective criteria, the Bible is a book containing a compilation of stories, legends, folk tales, folk lore, myths, sagas, narratives,

The original copy of the Qur’an was witnessed by hundreds of companions, because they wrote this copy, like some of them, from the mouth of the Prophet while he was alive

But some of the Companions also wrote the Qur’an, but he wrote his opinion and comments on the sidelines of the paper,
so Caliph Uthman burned it so that people would not believe that the writer’s opinion was the Qur’an.

In order for the Muslims to read the Qur’an easily, the Prophet was commanded to teach the Qur’an in accordance with people’s dialects…and if everyone was to abandon their dialect and what they were accustomed to speaking as a child, as a youth and in their old age, this would have imposed great difficulty and hardship on them…Thus, Allah intended for them ease by allowing some flexibility in the language in the multiplicity of readings

The aforementioned diversity in reciting the Qur’an did not pose a problem during the lifetime of the Prophet ﷺ as the companions became accustomed to the concept of seven aḥruf and diverse modes of recitation. The Prophet ﷺ sent different companions to teach the Qur’an to different tribes and communities and the different readings were transmitted. However, as Islam spread to distant lands, disputes began to arise between Muslims reciting according to different modes and dialects and it was precisely this emerging confusion that led the Caliph ‘Uthmān to compile and distribute a copy of the Qur’an to eliminate such confusion.

And also

It should not be forgotten that an old Koranic copy exists which passes to be one of the Uthmanian copies. It is located in Istanbul and dates from the 650s (Uthman died in 656).
Historical analysis of the Koran: here

Fair people testified to the extreme precision of the compilation of the Qur'an and the truthfulness and thoroughness of its transmission. English Orientalist Sir William Muir said: its compilation.The various parts were put together in an extremely simple manner and without afféterie. We do not find in this compilation the imprint of a hand which would have brought a talent or an order. It testifies to the faith of the compiler and his dedication to what he compiles because he did not dare to do more than take these sacred verses and put them one after the other. " As-Siddîq Abû Bakr by Mohammad Husayn Haykal, p. 332.

“The moral prescriptions of the Koran are excellent. Charity, beneficence, hospitality, moderation in desires, fidelity to the word given, love of neighbor, respect for parents, protection of widows and orphans, and even, the recommendation repeated several times to return good for evil, are taught there. ”Gustave Le Bon (1884) - The civilization of the Arabs.

1,500-year-old Quran manuscript may be oldest known copy

Recently radiocarbon dated copy of the 7th century Quran at the University of Birmingham.A 1,500-year-old parchment may be one of the oldest known copies of the Qur'an, possibly dating back to a time that straddled the life of the Prophet Muhammad, according to researchers who recently dated the fragments of the manuscript.

The text was radiocarbon dated, which measured the age of organic materials from the find. Researchers at the University of Birmingham, UK, found that the sheets of parchment dated back to AD 568 and AD 645.
Susan Worrall, director of special collections at the University of Birmingham, said in a statement.
"Radiocarbon dating has delivered an exciting result, which contributes significantly to our understanding of the first written copies of the Quran",

The Prophet Muhammad is said to have lived between AD 570 and 632 and, according to Muslim tradition, he received the revelations that make up the Quran between AD 610 and 632.These sheets date back to the end of the 6th or the beginning of the 7th century. They were discovered in the library of the University of Birmingham where they had been kept for almost 100 years without anyone suspecting their age.



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