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Old 07-07-2016, 02:57 AM
lauterb lauterb is offline
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 180
Yes, not only as God but also using venerable names and from personalities like saints, Einstein etc. Pse find below full description of this class of spirits:

103. Ninth Class - Frivolous Spirits. - They are ignorant, mischievous, unreasonable, and addicted to mockery. They meddle with everything, and reply to every question without paying any attention to truth. They delight in causing petty annoyances, in raising false hopes of petty joys, in misleading people by mystifications and trickery. The spirits vulgarly called hobgoblins, will-o'-the-wisps, gnomes, etc., belong to this class. They arc under the orders of spirits of a higher category, who make use of them as we do of servants.

From The Book of Spirits by Alan Kardec

So due to their motivation they are always available to play with us. Elevated spirits will use their precious time only with those motivated by noble and important matters.

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