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Old 20-05-2018, 11:47 AM
LiberatedLotus LiberatedLotus is offline
Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 211
As sensitivies increase, your surroundings
need to reflect these changes.

Any type of external stimuli beyond
a particular threshold is going to
create disruption so as your sensitivies
heighten your surroundings need
to support it.

Avoid noise / unnecessary audible input.
Counteract with soothing, harmonious input.

Avoid fluorescent lights / intense visual input.
Counteract with soft & comforting input.

Avoid chemicals / toxic compounds.
Do not injest them via mouth or nose.
Counteract with things such as soothing
essential oil compounds via oil diffusers
/ air purifiers.

Keep meditation to a minimal.
Brow chakra could be activated,
but you also could be putting
stress on your frontal lobe.
Depending on what exactly
you're meditating on. This can
cause headaches because the
energy is centralized for too long.

You have to let your energy flow
throughout your body. You have
to be gentle with yourself. You have
to be balanced.
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