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Old 11-05-2022, 09:17 PM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 721
defect looking for a character.

I have had some wonderful experiences since I sobered up in AA in 1974 and found the answer to my addiction within a fellowship that survives through each member sharing their experience strength and hope with each other. having found a power greater than me, I entered into a spiritual way of life and started meditating.

Shortly after starting meditation i began having some strange psychic things happening to me, one night in particular I was returning hope from a meeting and was just about to open my front door to go indoors into my home, when a loud inner voice said to me go to the Chinese take away shop, I said to this inner voice that i did not want a take away,and went to turn the key to my front door, when the voice said again go to the take away shop, and i felf a pressure within me as i resisted this request, Ok then i said i will go there, I walked to the take away expecting to meet some one there but the place was empty.

So I thought that as i am here i will order a curried prawn and rice dish, I was sitting there thinking that what the heck was the point of this voice telling me to come here and the place is empty!
Well just after I thought that i heard a screech of brakes outside the shop
where a big lorry had just stopped, the door flew open and aman came in and sat down right next to me and said I know you , you have stopped drinking and go to AA, i cannot stop and have not been home for days, can you help me?

I was shocked and shaken by this errie happening a psychic event I said that i could help him and also recognised him as a child I spent time with in a childrens home many years before, I gave him some AA information and told himwhere the meetings were he then left and went back t his home, i never saw him again.

What became of him i will never know,

regards michael.
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