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Old 13-08-2021, 07:44 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
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Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by MikeS80
What did Krishnamurti say about practice in the video? Practicing strengthens or emphasizes "the me" (aka the ego). Practicing is "the me" or ego doing-doing means judging and evaluating etc etc , "the me" or ego is the one that practices, while choiceless awareness or mindfulness or whatever you want to call it is non-doing.

Personally I find Krishnamurti somewhat dry and uninspiring. His difficulty was that he spoke from his own state of realisation (whatever that might have been) and taught that this state of realisation was possible for all without providing any means for others to attain it. He denied gurus, paths and practices, leaving his followers with nothing but words. Hence in Krishnamurti's later years he became very frustrated that no-one seemed to have realised the truth which he spoke about.

Krishnamurti falls into the trap of defining practice in a particular way (practice strengthens or emphasises the ego) so he can then dismiss the value of practice. And after all, avoiding practice is itself a practice which can be equally ego-driven.

Practice may begin as an ego activity for most of us but over time it can develop into a way of letting go of ego. We push doing to the point of surrender to non-doing.

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