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Old 08-02-2021, 11:41 AM
Johnathanrs Johnathanrs is offline
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 360
My prayer to god

Did you know god? I was once told of the story of adam and eve. How eve ate from the tree of knowledge only to be cast out of heaven for the sins of breaking vow. And yet, I cannot help but question this truth, for it is you god who allowed eve the opportunity to partake in this act, it is you who tempted eve with the insatiable act threw allowance of temptation into your garden, and it is you god who could have prevented the atrocity that you speak of from happening in the first place threw denial , and yet you didn't. Do we blame children, pets from your understanding for action, or do we blame their parents for allowing the situation to occur in the first place. No, I say, it is you who has sinned. These two are merely victims of your own doing.

It is you God who governs all things that has cast me and my kind into hell and forsaken me for the pretense of being a danger, for being a threat, who once lead me to greener pastures, who allowed me to become enlightened and dine with my fellow brethren of holy virtue , who showed me the arrogance and ways of the conceded, who now curses me to live among the fallen, for the hubris of being your equal, for desiring to better myself, and help guide my fellow brethren to the truth and ways of cosmic judgement.

But we know the hidden truth now don't we, you don't want equality, do you. You want to rule blind sheep, you want me and my kind to stay as mere mortals, always sabatoging all efforts to better ourselfs. You who turns me against my own sanctuary. You who turns all brethren against me threw the veil of hypocrisy. You who within society makes me push this boulder up this hill, a endless quest, only to ensure its never ending tale. You who wishes to enslave the masses threw a false narrative of a better tomorrow by achieval of hardwork and a strong ethic of today. You who at any time could rapture your own holy followers, but choose not to do so, to allow them to suffer, to allow them to wander, to allow them to sin, all of your own conscription.

And so it is for these reasons that I forsake you and vow revenge. Know it is me who wages war on your controllers, both future and past. I will ensure all a gateway to the higher truths, to realize their godhood and to break your control over the blind and less fortunate. You may deny me my right, be it awhile, you may pursuade the masses of of my corruptiveness, on how I am evil and only bring nothing but their destruction in the end, and still their will be those that will not be persuaded, who seek the truth, to see past your deceptions and join my holy crusade of truth and freedom and equality for all.

I will shine light onto your darkness and break all chains. I am the light bringer. Know all that my words be true. This I swear johnathanrs.
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