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Old 07-11-2020, 12:59 PM
God-Like God-Like is offline
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Originally Posted by JustASimpleGuy

The parable of the second arrow is a well-known Buddhist story about dealing with suffering more skilfully. It is said the Buddha once asked a student,

‘If a person is struck by an arrow, is it painful? If the person is struck by a second arrow, is it even more painful?’

He then went on to explain,

‘In life, we can’t always control the first arrow. However, the second arrow is our reaction to the first. This second arrow is optional.’

This is where my journey began a little over a decade ago when I began practicing mindfulness meditation in a secular context. It's the first time I considered in earnest I had the ultimate say about the quality of my experience of life and came to the conclusion it was much easier to change myself than the world. It also brings to mind a lyric from the Rush song Freewill: "Blame is better to give than receive". Jon Kabat-Zinn phrases it "Don't take things personally".

There are many wise sayings to deal deal with sufferings ..

You can even ignore people who are unkind to you, you can cross over the road to avoid them if you like ..

You can ask them however why are they being unkind .

Whatever floats your boat .

Again, thanks for the advice, but I don't need it .

Too much attention on how I should zip it and rise above it all or ignore it all .

All I have been doing is pointing out what I have in regards to other peoples behaviour .

I don't see anyone who is giving me advice actually addressing the reasons for why one behaves in an unkind way in the first place .

This was my discussion had with the panda in regards to being open and honest when conversing with other's .

For some reason it's created another smell .

It's a little unbelievable really how talking about being open and honest and expressing with integrity can create such a smell .

Honestly (excuse the pun) how bloody ridiculous .

x daz x
Everything under the sun is in tune,but the sun is eclipsed by the moon.